Deviation from the Deviation
I finished one of the secret projects last night. Since Sandi was kind enough to stop in at Romni to buy me another skein of Wildfoote in blueI thought that I might as well start working on The Deviation from Standard Handwarmers (again). BTW - this brings the total skeins of yarn purchased for this "stashbusting" project to 3. Which is the number of skeins that I started out with in my stash. I wonder what stash yarn:purchased yarn ratio is necessary for a project to qualify as "stashbusting"... Now CathyCate had previously left a comment indicating that she would add some ribbing to the bottom of the handwarmer. I decided to try this, and thought that it would be a good opportunity for me to give corrugated ribbing a try. And guess what? ![]() I love it! I love the way the colours worked out, with the dark purl stitches peeking through. And it's not just the way it looks - I love the rhythm of knitting it. Love love love it! I want to hug it and squeeze it and name it George!!! I want to run outside and show strangers this thing of beauty that I just created (Oh, wait, I'd probably have to pay royalties to someone if I did that...). I want to start knitting fair isle sweaters just for the corrugated ribbing. In all seriousness, I had trouble falling asleep because I couldn't wait until next morning when I could start knitting the handwarmers again. So this morning, I woke up early, and started knitting. I took a break to go to yoga class, then came back and started knitting again. I knit until I was almost through the first 8 row pattern repeat: ![]() I decided then to take a look at the photo in the book to see how much contrast there was between the background yarn and the second darkest yarn: ![]() That's when I realized something horrible. This pattern is knit from the top down, not the bottom up. I had just added ribbing to the top of the handwarmer. AAAARGH!!! Sigh. This, boys and girls, is why you are supposed to read through patterns before you start knitting. Although in my defence, I had read through the pattern, but I hadn't sat down and thought about the construction. The fact that the first line of the thumb gusset involved casting on 19 stitches hadn't rung any bells. So I had 3 options - 1) rip everything back and start over, 2) start knitting the thumb in reverse at this point, and just accept the fact that the pattern would be "upside down" when worn, or 3) rip back to the ribbing, and then start knitting the chart from the top down, replacing the K2togs and SSKs in the thumb gore chart with kfbs. I've decided to go with option #3 - as much as I enjoy knitting the corrugated ribbing, I am definitely not a process knitter. When it comes time to knit the second glove, I will follow the pattern as written, and then see what difference there is between the 2. Labels: Deviation from Standard |
Comments on "Deviation from the Deviation"
For some reason the internet ate my comments I tried to make the other day, but just in case...the Hourglass is beautiful, and the kitty cats are also scrumptious.
And the mitts will be beautiful! Take a deep breath and know that the yarn will forgive you.
I expect you've already gone with option 3; but as a confirmed troublemaker and a lazy, no, let's say designer/efficient knitter -- the color work looks the same to me upside down and downside up, is that wrong? So I would have thought option 2.
The gusset should be the same whether it grows from the palm or is started separately and joined. I don't know why, but though I make socks and sweaters both ways, I dislike mitts made the way your pattern is. Perhaps because I REALLY like trying them on as I go to see how the palm is fitting, how long to make the thumb gusset, how long to make the thumb and the palm part. But I made one that way (after the pattern caught me off guard) and vowed never again; I see no advantage to it.
All you have to do is turn the color chart upside down, if I'm mis-seeing and it really isn't symmetric top to bottom, right?
Good luck, that is GORGEOUS GEORGE corrugated ribbing, I loves it very much! If you had frogged it, I would have cried a little.
PS, hitherandyarn, that's me, Cathy-Cate, I don't know what OpenID is doing today.
Ooh. Very pretty. Mistakes or no.
Your typo made me giggle, and I hate to be an evil corrector . . . but I assume you meant to say that the dark purl stitches were PEEKING through.
EEEEk, Its always the little instructions, the ones we openly balk at in large groups... those are the ones that kick our butts, like 'read instructions through before beginning' Well, the ribbing looks great! I'm curious to see what difference there will be between 1 and 2
Love your blog! The layout is pretty and the pictures are very nice.
Don't worry about the handwarmers being knit in the wrong direction... after you've knit a few pair and understand what's going on, you can always make them yourself without a pattern. So consider what you did to be excellent practice.
I'm giggling here, even though it's mean. I have to rip out a striped hat because I somehow managed to unbalance the rows, so the stripes aren't parallel--it's hard to explain, but it looks like a drunk knitted it. Sigh. Rip, rip, repeat.
See, I'd just fudge it. Yours looks good as is! Where's the fun in always following the pattern 100%?
Love love love it! I want to hug it and squeeze it and name it George!!!
That was the best sentence I've read in a long time.
I... Love love love it! I want to hug it and squeeze it and name it George!!!
Heh, we'll have you knitting Fair Isle and stranded designs AND cutting steeks in NO time! :D
Would it be too hard to convert the pattern to cuff-up? Or maybe it would be easier to frog.
Boy, I'd take that pretty cuff to breakfast at Dunkin Donuts, and then maybe on a date to an American tire company where I'd photograph it the whole time.! ;-)
Awww. That bites. It will be interesting to see how the two techniques work, when compared. And your ribbing? Lovely. I wouldn't have wanted to rip it, either.