My, but time does fly...
It's been almost a week since I last posted. Part of this was related to travel (we went to Montreal this weekend so that The Gambler could watch the UFC fights. I have to say that the influx of UFC fans made for some interesting people watching), and partly due to work (Word continues to get around to horridly ill people re: the day I take over the ICU service - this is the only explanation I can think of as to why these people come to the ER after 3-4 days on death's door. Obviously, they were waiting for me to be on call.) Because I was in Montreal, I missed Sandi Purl's baby shower - but here are the squares I knit for the group afghan she received: ![]() OK, they appear to be more quadrangular than square per se - I'm hoping that blocking took care of that. Speaking of blocking, I blocked my Deviation from the Standard Handwarmers on Thursday morning as I drove into work (What better item to block handwarmers with than hands? Why not take advantage of a 45 minute commute?): It didn't do much for the wonky stitches, but it did stretch them out a bit. (I seem to have a prediliction for posing with handknits while wearing clothes of a totally opposing colour scheme - at least my manicure didn't clash)I had the opportunity to work on the Yoke Vest (which I have christened The Consolation Vest): ![]() ...and was eventually able to pry Somerset off of it long enough to get a decent photo: ![]() The striping is a bit remniscent of my Lines In The Sand Sweater - hopefully this vest will be similarly flattering ( I have some reservations about a vest knit out of bulky yarn - how likely is it to make my torso look stumpy?). Labels: Consolation Vest, knitting, Miscellaneous |
Comments on "My, but time does fly..."
I love the vest (thus far) and am confident it will look fabulous on you.
How about that manicure, girl??
Well it doesn't make Somerset look stumpy...I think it will look fine.
I think a paper bag would look good on you so I have no doubt the vest will look great!
Oooo, nice manicure! What kind of yarn did you use for your stranded gloves?
Thanks for the sock tips... *sigh* I'm thinking that the ball band on mine must belong to another ball. Oh well, it makes for an interesting pattern. I will try the slip stitch on the leg though.
loved your squares! and your mani looks fab!
Beautiful knitting! How does a medical person keep a manicure intact? My mother never managed (then again, she was a dentist during those times when people didn't wear gloves necessarily...).
Somerset looooooves that vest. If it doesn't fit, it would be welcome as a cat bed, I'm sure.