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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Can you tell the difference?

She can't tell the difference. But if you lay the socks side by side and look at the "stripes" of white, there's a minor difference in the spacing at one point. Luckily I totally don't give a crap, because I'm just happy that there is no pooling to speak of, and I am not a perfectionist knitter. In fact, I think I am the anti-perfectionist; I constantly try to convince other knitters that they really don't need to rip back because it's going to be felted anyways/it's not going to show in that location/it's only one stitch/the yarn color or texture will hide the mistake, etc...

Hee hee! For once in my life I am a bad influence! I think I'll get to work on my "Knitting Loopholes" manuscript now.

In other news, for the first time ever, I have been "tagged" in a meme. (I manage to fly under the radar to the point of getting a bit of a complex about it. I was one of the few people who didn't receive the "I Love You Virus" email, and felt like a bit of a loser because it obviously meant that my email address wasn't in enough address books). Jacquie s the source for this:

THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.”

Six weird things about me:

1. The first time I ever went into a bar, I was 19 years old, a full year older than the legal drinking age for the province in which I lived.

2. I take great pains to avoid having a dangling participle at the end of a sentence, regardless of whether or not it is written or spoken. (see #1)

3. Despite having perfectionistic tendencies in some areas of my life, in other areas of my life I am a total slacker

4. I have three moles on the front of my left thigh that form a triangle that's about 4 cm across. (Granted, any 3 points form a triangle if they don't form a straight line, but this triangle is small enough that I always see it). At one point in time, I had a mole in front of each ear; they weren't perfectly symmetric. They were removed because at one point or another, each of them changed a wee bit (probably due to a pimple forming under them), and my family doctor thought it was safest to have them whapped off.

5. Even though I have introvert tendencies, and hate public speaking, I secretly dream of being a stand up comedienne.

6. I use my cell phone almost exclusively for outgoing calls; the rest of the time it is usually turned off. About the only time that I will leave it on will be if I forget my pager at home on a workday (That whole bit about cell phones in hospitals? Pure crap, unless you are standing immediately beside a heart monitor), or if I specifically need to be reachable by Kyle, or someone I am meeting up with (and even those times I occasionally forget that the phone has to be on). It takes me a long time to learn a new cell phone number because I give it out so infrequently.

I'm tagging Bezzie, Melinda, Marie Jose, Zonda, Lynn from Seattle, and Lynn from Texas

Comments on "Can you tell the difference?"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Sun Dec 17, 10:16:00 AM EST) : 

Welcome to the memememe-sphere!


Blogger Bezzie said ... (Sun Dec 17, 11:45:00 AM EST) : 

I can't tell a difference!! So either they look very close or I have the intelligence of a cat! ;-)

I'll have to do the meme tomorrow when I'm at work all alone...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Sun Dec 17, 05:11:00 PM EST) : 

I love your cat. I love cats but I'm highly allergic. Didn't stop me from having them when I was younger. Would probably now too but space makes it impossible. The socks look great. I don't see any difference either.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Sun Dec 17, 05:15:00 PM EST) : 

I love your cat. I love cats but I'm highly allergic. Didn't stop me from having them when I was younger. Would probably now too but space makes it impossible. The socks look great. I don't see any difference either.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Wed Dec 20, 01:34:00 PM EST) : 

Aren't you weird! ;)
I'm sure you'd make a kick ass comedienne. Thanks for the tag, luv.


P.s. Beautiful pine pic!


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