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Thursday, November 16, 2006

FO sighting.

Melinda sent me a quick Photoshop tutorial, so here's the "negative" of the Rockies image:
I mentioned earlier this week that I knit a cap for Kyle, but the accompanying photo was pre-completion. Here's the final product.
Knit with one skein of Avanti colour #17(a DK weight yarn made by the makers of Trekking).

Comments on "FO sighting."


Blogger SuzannaBanana said ... (Thu Nov 16, 06:50:00 PM EST) : 

That negative image of the Rockies looks like an alien landscape. Then again, so does the original. Cool photos.

Great hat! I love those colors together.


Blogger Batty said ... (Thu Nov 16, 07:37:00 PM EST) : 

I love the negative image of the Rockies. It looks even more desolate and foreign than a regular mountain range.

The hat came out great. Perfect fit, perfect color for him.


Blogger Lynn said ... (Fri Nov 17, 07:06:00 AM EST) : 

The bottom part of the negative image looks like a map of the palm of my hand, or the pattern of the veins on the back of my father's hands when he was in his 80's.

Thank you for reminding me how much I loved him, and how much I miss him. He was a very dear, calm, quiet man, almost always with a book in his lap once he retired, and I was amazed when I talked with him just before he died, all the quiet good that he'd accomplished in a long life. He was much too humble to mention it until just before he went.


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