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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Yew Tawk Fonny

From Jane's blog
What American accent do you have?
Your Result: North Central

"North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

The West
The Midland
The Inland North
The South
The Northeast
What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

Mistaken for a Canadian alot, eh? Since I grew up about an hour's drive from North Dakota/Minnesota, it's not a surprising finding. Although I did "hear" the accent in Fargo. A few months ago an Irish doc who has been living on Vancouver Island for the last 20 odd years asked me where in the US I came from. I guess that is what happens when you grow up in a province where the descendents of immigrants from the Ukraine and Germany outnumber the Brits. When I worked in Hamilton Ontario, I was the only respirologist out of a group of 11 or 12 who was of British Empire heritage (hell, more than half of them were born in England/Ireland/South Africa/New Zealand etc). I used to joke that as a young, female, Ukrainian from Winnipeg, that I probably filled several quotas.

For those of you waiting with bated breath to know what's up with the knitting, I am working on "Moozhies" (knitted slippers) for Kyle using the slipper pattern generator from the Knitting Fiend Almost done the first one.

From Friday's plane trip - the Rockies. I don't think the picture captures it well, but the shading from the snow made it look like it was a photo negative. If I could figure out how to use Photoshop, I'd reverse the black and white to see what the negative would look like.

Comments on "Yew Tawk Fonny"


Blogger Bezzie said ... (Tue Nov 14, 10:30:00 AM EST) : 

Oh wow, so that's what they look like from the air. I think we crossed those things half a dozen times driving thru Canada down from Alaska. The first and last time I ever used the low gear on my car!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Tue Nov 14, 10:36:00 PM EST) : 

Hee hee--I apparently have a "midlands" accent--that is to say, no discernible accent.
The scarf-around turned out beautifully, BTW.
Lovely shot of the mountains. I'd like to see the negative value version, too.


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