Sucks to be you
Loads of snow around here lately. And of course, when the snowplows come to clean off the street, they create snowbanks, which can be several feet high: Labels: snow |
It always seems like a good idea at the time...
Loads of snow around here lately. And of course, when the snowplows come to clean off the street, they create snowbanks, which can be several feet high: Labels: snow |
Comments on "Sucks to be you"
Uh. I see a minor problem. =)
That was never a problem at my house growing up since my Dad was the one driving the snow plow. He always made sure he cleaned up our driveway with the plow on his truck before we ventured out to school. One time, he was late and I got stuck in the snowbank in my tiny CRV. He saw me, stopped, and picked up the front of the car and pulled it over the bank. No, my Dad is not hercules. It was a very small car. =)
Yes, I know that one. Shovelling the same snow from the same driveway, seemingly higher each time, ARGH!
Is that a general quote, or have you seen Avenue Q?
Hehe..I so remember that..sorry, shouldn't laugh ;)
The worst part was we lived on a back road in the country, near a curve. So one of us would stand on the banking, and tell the other oneit was ok to get out..and countless times of replowing just so we could get out. Thanks for the memories!
So, how did you get to work?
Now I'm remembering why it was good we were friends with the city employee that plowed the streets back home. He'd raise the blade when he hit our driveway.
Snowbanks though? That's interesting. We called them snow berms. But we also go snow machining too..not snow mobiling ;-)
Winter is pretty much the only season that makes me glad to be in an apartment building. No shovelling, and I don't have to pay for the heat.
In university, though, I was still driving a boat of a car with a long body that once got stuck like a teeter totter on a snow bank. Some lovely good Samaritans driving by took pity on me and helped me over the hump.
I've only had to shovel snow once in my life--in Lake Tahoe on the ski trip from HELL that was so bad I am no longer friends with the woman how invited us.
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Same thing around here. Yucky,eh?
Oh yeah. Isn't that just lovely! And if you don't get to it in time it gets hard and crusty. Yuck.
On the other hand, you get to combine cardio and strength training in one happy shoveling activity!
No, I'm not insane. Just trying to find the silver lining, because otherwise, no snow would ever get shoveled.