Time Off is Great in 2008!
Well, I ended up having a pretty craptacular "holiday season", mostly because of work. But I am now off until Monday the 14th (with the exception of having to go to the hospital to meet with hospital administration and a patient's family to do go over an Incident Quality of Care Review - reliving one of the lowlights of the last 2 weeks, as it were). I have managed to get some knitting done, but am horribly behind on taking photos - will try to catch up this weekend. I do, however have photos of a lovely present that my SP11 downstream Penny sent me: It was particularly thoughtful of her to print out 3 patterns for lace scarves that can be knit with this yarn. Printing things is a bit of a chore in our house - we have a laser printer which is 4-5 years old, and our new computer doesn't have the right port to connect the printer with it. My laptop is the only computer in the house that can it can connect to; and it is usually on the main floor. The printer lives on the 3rd floor of our house. Thank you Penny!!! Although I haven't blogged in a week or so, I have been looking at blogs and Ravelry. It's interesting to see that last year's "Knit from my stash" phenomenon has morphed into "Knit down my stash". Does anyone remember how yarn store owners were apparently wringing their hands, worried that sales would plummet if enough knitters went on a yarn diet for the first 6 months of 2007? I imagine that there were some who were successful, but let's face it, diets are generally doomed to fail, as are the bulk of New Year's Resolutions. So this year, I am making only 4 resolutions: 1) I will listen to more podcasts (I have hours and hours of CBC Radio One podcasts stored on my computer, enough to fill several mp3 players). Maybe once I clear the backlog, I will check out some knitting podcasts. 2) I will document at least 90% of my stash on Ravelry. Of course, this means that I will have to locate a few boxes of yarn that I haven't seen since the move. Which leads to resolution#3 3) I will unpack/figure out where to store the stuff that is still sitting in bins/boxes. The Gambler and I have need to get around to buying some bedroom furniture; right now I keep most of my socks in a Rubbermaid bin! 4) I will drink more water. Well, it is off to fight the crowds at the gym. I got 6 "personal trainer sessions" when we joined the gym in November, but was only able to schedule the first one for yesterday because of my insande work schedule in November/December. I feel like having a shirt made up saying "No, this is NOT a New Year's Resolution" Labels: gifts, resolutions |
Comments on "Time Off is Great in 2008!"
Yay for time off! I'm sorry to hear that your holiday season was so craptacular.
I like your resolutions. I'd like to inventory more of my stash on ravelry as well.
The gym has definitely been a lot more crowded the past few days. ;)
mmmmalabrigoooo.mmmmmm i wanna feel it!
I'm sorry to hear that the last two weeks were craptastic...go easy on the wine ;) That Malabrigo is a beautiful colour.
yeah, I too need to document my stash, one of my 2008 goals as well. I can't wait to see which lace scarf you actually make with that beautiful yarn.
I'd like one of those tee shirts too for the gym. Been nice going whenever I want this week I have off. Little frighten of what next week might bring when I start back to work and have to work out with the masses.
Mmmmmmmalibrigo! Yummy, yummy stuff!
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Lisa the yarn is from your downstream SP11 partner. Some people just can't remember my name and call me Peggy but I am used to that. You know the saying "as long as you call me late to dinner" LOL Glad you liked yhe yarn and that the color was a good choice. I was worried about the post office loosing the package and me not having a copy of the tracking number on it. It was the only receipt I lost of all the packages I sent out.
That's some pretty yarn though...
Were LYS owners really upset? Ha ha!
Let's hope 2008 is a non craptacular one!!
Enjoy your time off, and don't let anything get you down. Medicine is a tough field to be in even when you're not a specialist working crazy hours in a hospital.
I hope everything resolves itself well and you can have the blues in a more knitty-approved way with that beautiful yarn. Mmmm, that's pretty!
Mmm, mmm, malabrigo! Gotta love it! Hope you have a great time off (minus the conference).
Hope your schedule lightens up a bit! Good luck on the resolutions! I'm not sure I want to put mine down online.. it means I might have to keep them!
I am so glad you will have some time off for yourself! Relax and unwind and treat yourself to some yummy stash yarns.
I just got back this afternoon with some yummy treats that will be in your January package, I do hope you will like them and that they will brighten your day. Your kitties always make me smile when I read your blog! Happy Sunday!
Oh, I hope January will be better for you! No more crappy weeks...
I'm trying really hard not to make any resolutions, all I want really is to finish some of my poor neglected WIP's! So that I can start more stuff that can become WIP's I'll want done with next year at this time! :D
Finally catching up on my blog reading! I hope your incident report meeting went well. I hate dealing with those. Even if I did my very best, I still feel like crap.