Kitty Knits!
Welcome visitors! It's awesome to be part of the Kitty Knits Blog Tour - Donna Druchanas has created a book with some adorable projects.![]() ![]() Since Greedo and Somerset are the feline stars of this blog, I'm turning the interview over to them: hjlkkkkkklllllkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklllllllllkkkkkreeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrioppppppppppp lkkkkkklllllkkkkkkkkkkhjkvcxxcvvvvvvvxxxxxxxxxxxxxcvvvvvvvvvv Hmm...maybe it would be best for me to do the transcription. The cats decided to play a variation of "Would you rather...?" with Donna. Thanks to Peggy and Soosan for the inspiration. Somerset: Would you rather be referred to as a cat owner who knits, or a knitter who has cats? Donna: I'm definitely a cat owner who knits. Although I've been totally obsessed with knitting for the past several years, I don't know if that will last forever. But I'll always want to live with cats!. ![]() Ha ha, we cats kick knitting's butt! Greedo: Would you rather untangle yarn or clean out the litter box? Donna: Litter box. I've been known to give away tangled yarn because I didn't have the patience to untangle it! Cleaning a litter box only takes 5 minutes. Untangling yarn can take days. ![]() Hey,if it takes 5 minutes, how come our boxes aren't cleaned daily? Somerset: Would you rather bring home new yarn or take an afternoon nap with your cats? Donna: Nap! I don't have a big stash. I only buy yarn when I know exactly what I'm going to make with it -- or if something I've been wanting for a long time goes on sale. Otherwise, it just makes me nervous to have a bunch of yarn that I don't know what I'm going to do with. ![]() We like to nap with the stash... ![]() Greedo: Would you rather knit 6 swatches for a project and still not get gauge or take your cats to the vet? Donna: Both! I love swatching. But you can do that in the waiting room at the vet, can't you? ![]() Greedo: Would you rather knit with scratchy yarn, or babysit an unfriendly cat? Donna: Knit with scratchy yarn. I actually like some scratchy yarns a lot and I know they'll get softer when I wash them. I don't mind babysitting unfriendly cats, but it's much more fun to take care of a cat who loves to cuddle. ![]() Somerset: Would you rather be shed on by a cat or by yarn? Donna: Cat! I'm not fond of shedding yarn. I might, on occasion, put up with it from angora. But I can't think of any other shedding yarn that I'd enjoy. ![]() I don't shed much...well,not as much as Greedo...OK, maybe just a different colour than Greedo... Somerset: Would you rather see someone knitting one of your patterns, or see your cats running to greet you when you come home? Donna: My cats. It's fun to see people knitting projects from my books, but there's nothing like being welcomed home by your loving feline friends. ![]() Back to the book: it has a nice variety of patterns - they are grouped into knits for cats, knits for people, and knits for the home. Each category has projects of varying skill levels. The projects utilize several different techniques (fair isle, lace, intarsia, felting), with a brief, yet succinct explanation of each at the end of the book. In retrospect, I should have trimmed those loose ends a bit shorter before felting, because they grabbed onto some of the floats on the back. (Of course, I was felting in a front loader, and ended up putting it through 2 cycles by accident, so if I could have checked it intermittently, the ends might not have been a problem) Voila! Labels: Kitty Knits |
Comments on "Kitty Knits!"
what great cat pictures! And that felted kitty placemat and felted mouse are absolutely adorable. Greedo and Somerset must feel very pampered.
Oh they did a most excellent interview! Love the cat's photos and comments. The vet part was a scream.
Your goldfish mat and mouse looked wonderful.
me again. Checked out some other cat interviews and yours is hands down the best!
Great interview to all three of you! ;-)
What a fantastic interview! Hannah-kitty says we should buy the book ASAP.
Great job, Lisa, er, Somerset and Gredo!
The closeup looks like Greedo has big , pink clown lips. It also amazes me how Somerset will allow himself to be laid upon.
Great interview, by the way.
Hmm, If I was a reporter on CBC News, I'd be very nervous for my job.
That was a great interview!! And the kitty mat and mice are adorable.
Somerset and Greedo make great interviewers! Thanks guys!
You're such a good kitty mom! Just the right answers to their questions. They'll probably keep you around.
I saw that book before it was even out and counted the days till I could order it. Time to make some kitty paraphernalia! I love your toy mouse and the cute fishy thing that goes under their food bowls. I'm also a sucker for those FI socks with the cat heads on them...
Wow guys, great interviewing skills! You've got me sold, I must pick up that book. That little mat is too cute!
Thanks again for letting the kitties interview me and for showing off some of your knitting. It was a lot of fun!
Great interview! I need to get mine put together. I love the spin you put on it.
Great interview. She-ra also likes to sleep on top of the stash or the half finished sweater... she wants me to get this book for her now.
Haha awesome! I love the picture responses from the cats :)
I hope you don't mind, I'd like to link to your interview so that my non-knitting friends can see, its hilarious!
Thank you, Donna, and thank you, Greedo and Somerset! A most enlightening interview.
Neat interview that mat and the mouse! Good luck with your Fair Isle! :)
Great interview! Your kitties are just lovely and I think your food mat turned out wonderfully, I just love the fishes :)